Hari ini aku akan mengerjakan tagging dari teman2 blog tercintaaaa...
Tenkyu for dilla, gabby, jovee, phanie, dhewie, margy, dan floo...<3 <3
Maaf lamaaaaaa....(>_<)
dan makasiiiiih banget ya sudah di tag!
post kali ini akan sangaaaat panjaaaaang
hope u not boring...haha!
~ TAG : 11 Random Things ~
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah,
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah,
you legitimately have to tag 11 people!
emm..yg pertama, 11 RANDOM THINGS about me :
1. Aku ada tipe orang yang tidak akan mendengarkan kritik dan nasehat,
kecuali aku mengagumi orang yang mengkritikku..:3
2. Di saat sibuk, aku masih memilih mandi jam 3 subuh daripada tidur tanpa mandi..:p
3. Aku suka makaaaaaaaaaaaan~
4. Aku makan lebih banyak dari cowok ku
5. Aku gak punya high heels...>__<
6. Aku buta fashion, kalo beli baju, selalu tanya cwo-ku padahal dia juga gak ngerti..WAKAKAAKA
7. Aku tidak pernah mencatat pelajaran dari papan tulis kecuali buku cacatannya diperiksa guru..
8. Aku paling lemah dalam pelajaran Sejarah..kecuali essay..:)
9. Nama chinese ku sangat bermasalah,
papa menamakan "Shen-shen" (Wenshen) artinya berprilaku sopan santun,
tapi mama ku selalu menulis nama-ku "Xing-xing" yang berarti bintang,
dan banyak sodara ku berpikir nama ku adalah "Sin-sin" yang berarti hal baru...
10. I don't like hello kitty! why that cat HAVEN'T MOUTH?? haha
11. i don't like my nose..my nose is not ugly, but too flat to hold my glasses
sometimes i think i will do a nose job..or lasik?
(but i like wear glasses and surgery is sooo scary, so yeah~)
oke, ngaco gak sih...?
dan selanjutnya aku akan menjawab pertanyaan dari para blogger yang men-tag aku~
( "men-tag", halah bahasa ku kacau..>__<)
from Dilla :
1. Who is your fave bloggers & utubers? (just one). Explain the reason.
youtubers is BeautyQQ...pretty, inspiring dan gak muna, she is so natural in her video..:)
bloggers is SeverusLove...err...yaa..bcoz i love my self..hahahaha!
2. What's your fave colours? (just one). Explain the reason.
purple? with soft pink tone..?
gak yakin jg siih..hahaha
3. What's your biggest plan/resolution for this year and how you achieve that?
Lulus kuliah, melakukan apa saja yg menjadi syarat nya...*__*
4. What's your biggest mistake on last year?
getting FAT..omg...omg...
5. Whats your phone type right now & why u choose that one?
henpon merk china (gaje gitu de) haha
why? mm,,,bcoz my bf give it to me..
and it have radio, tv, dual sim, dual camera
lol...my bf know me sooooo well...
6. How you have been into makeup?
gurl me tau...gurl me! buahahaha
miss that forum soooo much!
7. Did u know Girls' Generation? What ur opinion about them? (omigosh this so random xD)
so random laaah! what u thinking when u write this question dilla!!
but, interesting question~
yes, i know them en i like+dislike them
i really like their make up, body and outfit
and hate everything except that
they sometimes so fake, act unnaturally..
i'm sooo sure in variety show is not their really personality
i dont like their sooong...
i'm sooo sure in variety show is not their really personality
i dont like their sooong...
their voice and dance quality is so-so, it's good but can't make me impressed
(omg, so honest ya, sone will kill me)
8. Fashion stuff or make up stuff? Explain the reason why you choose that.
make up! make up!
more pretty stuff of fashion is more to not comfy
en yah, i'm fat laah..(ToT)
9. What is your greatest beauty find?
my moist...hazeline lightening cream..<3
10. If you can transform your face into someone, who would you like to be? (anyone. its also can be your sister, or your friend). Dont forget to explain the reason.
Sandara Park
coz she is pretty, look young, and her face is "make over face"
she can be sweet, cute, fresh, cool, sexy, even in boyish style, she still pretty
but the best is when she without make up
so, yeah...wish it..:p
11. What beauty product do you want the most now? (i like this one so i repeat it from earlier question ^_^)
Brtc vit.c ampoule, review-nya menggiurkan oiii~~
from Phanie :
1. Growing up, what or who is your inspiration and why?
oh, i dont know..i just follow my self.....>__<
2. What is your favorite makeup item that you can't live without?
eyebrow pencil..hehehe
3. Name your favorite snacks.
aaah...pertanyaan yg susaaaaah...
4. What is your current favorite makeup primer?
now is my DIY primer, acnes uvtint+rivera misty green
5. What is your current favorite perfume?
i dont wear parfum...tapi aku suka aroma lembut yang bikin2 ngantuk gitu
6. What do you think of atheists or agnostics?
i never meet them or talk with them..
jadi kurang tau pola pikir mereka
tapi selama mereka bisa menghargai sesama makhluk hidup
dan gak rasist....
i wouldn't complain..^^
7. What do you like to do on your free time?
drawing, disturb my cat, and...eat..hahahaha
8. What gadget do you want right now?
mmm..maybe Galaxy note...(*v*)
9. Windows or Apple or Linux?
i just use windows..lol
10. Lipgloss or Lipstick?
Lipstick..matte one..:)
11. BB Cream or Foundation?
BBcream...coz easy to blend..hehe
from Gabby :
1.Make Up or Skincare? Why?
Both laah..hehehe
but prefer skincare..secara efeknya jangka panjang
make up kan setelah apus ilaang..T_T
2.What make up that you bring along inside your make up pouch?
compact powder..hehe
3.Lipgloss or Liptint?
liptint..stay longer in my lips..:D
4. Blackberry or Android?
Android!! smart phone gitu...;)
5.What makes you decide to blog? And which part do you like in blogging?
for sharing my experience...i like tips and tutorial...(^o^)
6.Mascara or False Lashes?
False lashes...bikin "beda" soalnya..hihi
7. If you could travel somewhere in Earth, what would it be?
Paris? suka bangunannyaa..<3
8. What color do you think represent you the most?
brown..because it's complicated...>:D
9. Name one your favorite dish.
capcai capcai capcai
10. Mention your favorite candy flavor.
nano nano...oh yeeeaah~~
11. Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate
Milk choco! dark is soo blaaah...XP
from Jovee :
1. What your bad habbit?
eat uncontrolled, malas bersihin make up, gak bisa sabar, mandi malam..dll, dll...
musti 1 posting buat nulis my bad habbit..:3
2. What your most guilty pleasure?
being FAT..:'(
3. Which place do you prefer to store your makeup. Why?
Dresser table..:)
dengan banyak rak2 kecil..hehe
lebih rapi aja rasa nya..^^
4. What your favorite foundation?
mm..revlon colorstay (?)
not really sure
5. Chocolate or Junkfood? Why?
choco...coz more nyam nyam and make my happy~~
6. What place you want to visit?
7. Remember your first date? When?
8. What your favorite subject at school?
depend the teacher...:)
i love art, but sometimes the teacher makes me hate it..
like : "u dont make it by ur self" or "why u make that so different? u weird"
yup, i even drawing with nail polish..haha
mm...at least aku suka IPA daripada IPS
9. Do you love autumn makeup, or spring makeup? Why?
spring...! lah, buat apa beli e/s banyak2..hihihi
10. Introvert or Extrovert person?
introvert...i like talking, but informatif
kecuali sama temen2 deket ya suka lah ngobrol panjang lebar
tapi basa basi sama orang yang baru dikenal..?
No...too lazy~
11. Do you prefer 'no animal testing' cosmetic?
if talking about it ofcouse i prefer no animal test..
BUT, honestly,
i never check it..bad me..:p
from Dhewie :
1. Apa Indonesian's beauty product yang suka kamu pake?? Alesannya?? Harganya??
mustika ratu masker, ovale masker, susu pembersih viva,
e/s inez, e/s la tulipe, e/s sariayu
murah dan bagus..<3
2. Klo lagi jerawatan, treatment/obat/skin care apa yang paling ampuh kamu pake buat ngobatinnya?
minum natur E, Vit.C, tidur cukup , banyak minum
dan skincare apapun yang berbau anti jerawat..(*_*)
gak tau ngefek yang mana..hahahaha
3. Kamu lebih suka pake body lotion yang melembabkan ato yang memutihkan?? Namanya??
yang wangi-nya aku suka, banyak sih..koleksi aroma-nya..
4. Klo lagi bad mood apa yang kamu lakuin?
coret-coret di kertas...selalu sukses bikin good mood..^^
5. Untuk make up sehari-hari yang kamu pake apa aja?
pensil alis, eyeliner, powder, bbcream
6. Suka maskeran ato luluran engga'?? Pake apa?? Hasilnya gimana??
suka tapi malas
macam2 tergantung mood..XD
7. Pernah ke Jogja?? Klo uda kemana??
iyaa, kan kuliah di jogja.. udah kemana2..hehehe
8. Suka belanja di online shop gak?? Paling sering kemana?? Kenapa?? Pernah Kecewa gak sama OS??
suka, beli kosmetik dan skincare luar
searching2 yang paling murah
pernah lah kecewa, sama janji2 OS klo barang nya bermutu..
tapi gak pernah sampai ilfeel siih
9. Menurut kamu blogQ gimanah?? Punya kritik ato saran??
udaah baguuuus kok sayaaang..banyak2in racuun yaaa..
10. Sering ke Salon engga'?? Ngapain aja dan gimana hasilnya??
gak..potong rambut 1x setaun, itu pun potong di kos (kebetulan teman ku kerja di salon)
11. Indonesian beauty blogger mana aja yang sering kamu kunjungi??
from Margy :
1. Do you dyed your hair? what’s your original hair color?
yup...original is dark dark brown..now is dark brown..
2. What make-up product that you can’t live without?
eyebrow pencil...must have..^^
3. What is your favourite song these days? Why do you love it?
bigbang fantastic baby...ah sound sexy~~
4. What is your favorite food?
almost chinese food..capcaiii~
5. When did you started to bloging? and why?
last year~ for sharing..:)
6. what is your favorite magazine and why?
i dont read magazine....i read blog post and watch utube..(^0^)
7. What is your goal for 2012?
lulus kuliah..(*v*)
8. What have you done to achieve your goals?
bikin skripsi DLL...huwwah..
9. Blackberry or Iphone? Why?
Iphone! blackberry just have bbm lah..iphone more fitur~
10. what is you dream come true on 2011?
mm...apa ya...(?__?)
11. What is your favorite skincare brand? and why you trust on them? :)
i havent favorite skincare brand..^___^
from Floo :
1. What's your must have make up item? :D
pensil alis...:D
2. Why did you decided to make a blog?
sharing about my experince, saii..how about you? :)
3. If you were an animal, what kind of animal that you would be?
a lazy cat, sleeping eat and play..and no one eat me (?)..happy..(^0^)
4. What is you biggest pet peeves?
semut! atau kecoak (yang bisa terbang)
annoying and scary
5. Make up or nail art?
make up..:p
6. Are you more like your dad or your mom?
mmm...dont know, people said i like my dad and my lil brother..
but my lil bro is like my mom,,
so, dad or mom? XD
7. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
5-15 minute..or moreeeee...
depend to my activity, if holiday..er..do i need to wake up?
8. What is your favorite kind of clothing?
everything that make me comfy..:)
9. Who is your inspiration?
my self...haha
10. If you could have one of your wish granted, what would it be?
its like wishes for genie or what?
i want higher nose..lol
but in true life, i wish can make my parent always happy..:)
11. Do you like to read? If yes, what kind of book? :D
yup...buku komik terutama petualangan
dan buku novel dengan kata-kata yang bermutu
favorit ku : Sang Pemimpi dan Edensor by Andrea Hirata
"say no to "lo2-gue2"
aku belum tagging de yaa..maaf...
di next post aja or kapan2 aku lanjutin...
aku juga gak yakin ada yang mau baca posting ini