Saturday, August 4, 2012

Catalina Geo Automatic Eyebrow Pencil Review

i won Sparkle apple giveaway, i will review the prize..
So, first i'll review product from Catalina Geo..: 
Auto Eyebrow Pencil

i'll review in english for internasional reader
and in Bahasa Indonesia for my lovely friend yang mungkin lebih suka bahasa lokal..XD

sorry for my bad english skill..haha

first is about the brand...
Catalina Geo is not a familiar brands for me, and maybe most of you (?)
When i read Lina Kim post here, i've to know that Catalina Geo is one of korean cosmetic brand that developed by Lamy Cosmetic..
Lamy Cosmetic is a big beauty company in Korea that established in 1976 (waw!).
Lamy Cosmetic's first brand is Lafine and Catalina Geo is their second brand.

The Box:

Product Description :

u know what? it's english!! gyah..<3

When i see the little black thing, i wondering..what's that?'s REFILL...
I mind, not every eyebrow have a refill..and this is my first time to know it..
so i feel supriseee..i likee the idea...
save earth+save money laah..
so..will Catalina sell the refill only too?
it's must be ya??

There is the eyebrow pencil refill :

The eyebrow brush
aww...the brush is really HQ!
soft but dense, i like soo word ..NICE!

I really like how Catalina make a little mark for the 'pencil location'

Maybe it's a simple thing that not everyone appriciate it..
but it's really helpful! 
u know, when we just want to use the pencil or just the brush..
this little mark is the clue to open the right one..

Nah, there is the pencil :
yup, it's slide on...<3

color comparison :

there is 2 shade, Black Brown and Grey Brown
look same ya..hahaha..i'll tell the diferrent is...
the black brown is more 'black' tone and the grey brown is more 'brown'
just that...if u use black brown right eyebrow, and the grey one in one will notice.. :p

Staying Power testing :

Slow rub (still stay great)

flush with water and slow rub...still there..

flush with water again and hardly rub's gone

 Yah i still think this product have great staying power

Final Opinion :
Honestly, i usually use unbranded eyebrow pencil...ok..just half dollar lah..*shy*
my old eyebrow pencil is soft too and have nice color too..
but yaaah..u know lah..
no branded means no product description, no ingridient, ugly packaging, bad staying power.etc..haha
so..i CAN'T GIVE a comparison

so there is my very own opinion about catalina eyebrow pencil

plus :
This Catalina Geo absolutely better sooooo much than my old eyebrow so i can't compare them..
Packaging, Staying Power, and the brush quality is really great...^^

the minus is..
- color..better if they have grey shade (without any brown's more natural)
- pricey..hehe.. --->poor student..
hard to purchase..

Recommend? YES if u have budget..
Repurchase..? want, BUT to pricey for me...XD


Begini packaging luar nya :

Deskripsi produk :

Isi dalam nya :
awalnya ku kira apaan yang kecil item itu?
ternyata Refill-nya coba..hahaha...lucu de baru kali ini liat ada refill pensil alis

Penampakan refill pensil alis..
semoga Refill-nya ini di jual jugaa..
lumayan, penghematan bahan baku kan..(dan duit tentu nya)
(kalo bisa beli "batang"nya doank) >:D

ini eye brow brush-nya
ih..nih sikat uenaaaaak bangeeet daah...
maklum ya katrok, biasa make sikat yang 3 ribuan
pas make sikat ini..begh...pas banget dah..enak rapiin alis dan lembut di kulit

Aku suka banget Si Catalina ini ngasih mark buat nandain lokasi pensil-nya

soalnya klo buru2 kan males banget nebak yang mana pensil yang mana sikat
good job..^_^d

Nah, ini pensil alis nya
 tipe slide on...<3
(suka banget slide on, ribet boook klo mesti raut2)

perbandingan warna :
ada 2 pilihan warna, Black Brown dan Grey Brown
yang black brown lebih kehitaman, dan yang grey brown lebih kecoklat2an
(maaf bahasa nya, ngerti kan maksud saya..>_<)

Uji daya tahan :

 usek2 pelan (masih bertahan)

siram air...masih nampol..

siram dan di usek kuat2..ilang sudaah..yes, berhasil! (loh?) 

 Yah inti nya lumayan laaah daya tahannya

Kesimpulan :
Aku biasa make yang muraaaah no brand gaje gaje gitu..yang cuma 5 ribu perak
sebenarnya yang 5ribuan dah oke sih dari segi warna dan empuk..
tapi dari segi packaging, daya tahan dan brush nya mah jaaauuuh lah ya..
sori gak bisa bikin comparison..

inti nya produk ini bagus, staying nya oke..packaging elegan..
warna nya cukup natural walau agak2 mirip shade nya
brush nya cukup lembut..
tapi harga nya booo...Harga-nya? 24dollar..!!
230ribu gituuu..?? Dafuuuuuq....

Rekomen de klo anda punya budget..
Repurchase..? mauuuu, TAPI kemahalan...XD